I have several things to report on that require thanks!
First, our Souper Bowl of Caring was very successful. We donated nearly 200 items of non-perishable food and $40 to FISH of McHenry Food Pantry. This is a time of year when the stock in the food pantries is low. After the holidays, they see a significant decrease in contributions and donations. They were very grateful for our help. So to everyone who participated--thank you. We will continue this tradition next year and see if we can do even better.
We are doing very well in our TREX plastic bag recycling challenge. We have sent in two donations so far. Our donation of plastic bags has reached 136 pounds! Please keep that plastic coming in. When you walk into the school, just past the office, you will see our container. We fill that container FULL every day. So you'll often see very large green bags near it. Just remember that it is plastic and not garbage. We just can't take it to our drop off site every day.
Finally, thank you to all of the parents who came to help at our Valentine's class parties last week. The kids had a blast. I'm still waiting for some more pictures to come in and I will post those soon.